29 August 2017

everyone says summer goes by so fast.

there are a few new freckles on your shoulders
the hammock swings lower and touches the grass
the apples are ripe and the corn is past

everyone says summer goes by so fast
{carly simon}

my girl is started 6th grade. 6th!!! i can hardly believe it. time is fleeting. i remember when she began 1st grade - she seemed so little. now, she's blossoming. turning + changing everyday. growing. a sweet young lady to be sure. does she still need her mama? does she fight that in between - the wanting to be stronger and wiser and independent. sure of her decisions, sure of her path. she is my in between girl - my closer to 12 girl, my brave girl, my sweet girl, my feisty girl. every  moment she is walking away from me, walking into her own life. i hold onto this bond between us. but i too have loosened my grasp more and more. i savor these moments, the hugs, the kisses, the laughs, the joy, the frustration, the stomping away, the frowns, the smiles. i savor it all because she completely and forever has my heart. annie viola. i adore you. xo

snippets from summer 2017.

all images from iphone 6


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