in the light of day.
far away in the light of day
when we as children played
prone to run in the setting sun
and slowly fade away
{m. gledhill, j. corcoran}
i've had the pleasure of photographing these siblings for a few years now. each one growing and thriving into the always sweet people they are, just taller! three can be such a magical number, a triangle of personalities criss-crossing over and into each other. the girls. the big brother. the older sister. the youngest. yet with their titles comes such a connection, a sweet fondness. sometimes subtle, but most definitely there. i love watching them interact and i absolutely love having them in front of my lens. it was a very chilly early december day. we ventured outdoors for our walk in the crisp air and fading autumn colors.
i was reminded of this session today as spring tries to push through this year. a few warm days followed by chilly cold days. we woke up this morning to a bit of snow on the ground. this past saturday we were riding our bikes and digging in the garden. such is life in new england. always a contrast. the bold light of winter with its blue hues dappled with green, brown, marigold, gray + white gives way to the warm light of spring.

cousins joined in for a sweet family portrait.

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